Conflict means to have a clash of ideas or to disagree with another person. Conflict comes to bring change in us or to the other person or both.
Questions you can ask yourself when conflict comes into relationships
- How did it start?
- Have I taken ownership of the part I played?
- Why is the conflict happening?
- How can I grow from this?
- What was my attitude during the conflict?
- How can we use this conflict to establish balance in our lives and the lives of others?
Conflict will set things in order, help us establish boundaries, give us a new perspective and promote spiritual and personal growth in us and the other person.
Conflict will always bring other strong feelings into the picture, such as anger, division, rebellion, and strife. Conflict will make us angry, but we must not allow ourselves to stay in that place. When anger comes, quickly, recognize it, forgive others, and yourself, and move beyond this to the real problem. Remember to use your will to submit to what God's Living Word says!
RMS. 12:18
Do all you can to establish peace! Remember God through the Holy Spirit lives in us and He is Peace! Do everything to establish peace in your heart, home, relationship.
Remember to state your feeling and allow the other person to state theirs. Never allow your feeling to dictate your final decisions. Remember to bring LOVE back in the situation. LOVE will bring healing, peace, and LOVE will become greater than the conflict. Know there is no conflict or problem that is greater than the Power of God’s Love and His Living Word/Truth!
Jer. 32:27 and Eph. 15:1
The final thing is to totally surrender to God and His Word and ask the Holy Spirit to help you resolve your difference! God is All-Knowing and He knows how to resolve the conflict and bring peace! Shalom'
Remember never allow the spirit of conflict to bring separation and division as they are demonic spirits who come to bring division with us/ God and our relationships.
Steps On Resolving Conflict
1. Go to God and ask, seek and knock for healing and wisdom to re-establish peace! Matthew 7:7-8
2. Ask God what I am to learn from this conflict? James 1:5
3. Repent of all your hard heart, and any known sin. 1 John 1:9
4. Forgive yourself, and others in the conflict and release it to God! (God will bring healing when your heart is full of God's love and forgiveness.) Colossians 3: 13
5. Know in your heart God will work everything for your good! Romans 8: 28
Note: Sometimes, we have to release unhealthy relationships, or places we can't come to an agreement to God and ask God to bless them. Barnabas and Paul are good examples of that in the Bible. Especially in very hurtful relationships and set Godly boundaries for yourself (a boundary is where you pre set up healthy guidelines for your self) and have Godly plans to remove yourself in hurtful relationships. Call on God and He will show you things you dont know and how to! Jer. 33:3
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